Thursday 19 May 2016

Christian Prayer: Jabez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jabez prayer: 1 CHRONICLES 4: 9,10 JABEZ PRAYER Oh that you would bless me, Oh that you would enlarge my territory. Let your hand be with me,...

Jabez prayer

1 CHRONICLES 4: 9,10


Oh that you would bless me,
Oh that you would enlarge my territory.
Let your hand be with me,
and keep me from harm, 
so that I will be free from pain.

This is the only time that Jabez is mentioned in the Bible. yet his prayer to God is so powerful. 
I have posted this prayer previously and kept a diary blog of the happenings over thirty days
You should be able to reach it through this post.
Pray this prayer in faith and  you will be blessed.
Father will also ask things of you.
All aimed at expanding His territory

If you would like Gods blessing and want to help Father
Pray this prayer in faith and watch what happens

Thursday 7 April 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

THE JEBEZ DIARY FINALISES Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Sunday 3 April 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

STOP DRINKING FATHER SAID Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Sunday 27 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Friday 25 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Monday 21 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Monday 14 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Friday 11 March 2016

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer

Christian Prayer: Jebez prayer: THE JEBEZ PRAYER Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, tha...

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Jebez prayer


Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
Oh that you would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain.
God granted him what he requested


Oh that you would bless me indeed.

Does God want you to be more selfish in your prayers?
When asking gods blessing we are not asking for more of what we could get ourselves.
Jebez leaves the blessing for God to choose.
Your future can be changed with this simple prayer

Oh that You would enlarge my territory

This is not so that you get a bigger house or garden.
It is when you ask God to enlarge your life so you can have a greater impact for Him.
You will get more influence, responsibility, and opportunity to help God.

Oh that Your hand would be with me.

With the blessings, authority and opportunity that will come, we may feel, probably will feel overtaken and out of control.
Gods hand will be with you, keeping a balance.

Oh that you would keep me from evil.

This is a superb even excellent strategy to maintain a blessed life.
Success can also bring a greater opportunity for failure, disillusionment, and falling into sin.
So this part of the prayer is important to keep you on track,

I believe that that when prayed with belief in your heart this prayer will bring blessing, success and protection.
I am going to pray this prayer every
 morning for thirty days and note changes as I go along.
I invite whoever reads this to do the same and let me know how you progress

30 Day Progress
Day 1------- What I expected I don't really know. Today though has been very challenging. Every which way I turned seemed to be negative. Not what \I expected at all, True  I thought God chooses any blessings that will come my way but what was happening  After the morning passed it dawned on me. I was under attack from the devil!! Throughout this attack I became briefly angry not that it lasted long. If I judge what blessing I might have received this day it is probably recognising the devils attack and the patience I developed in afternoon period. As time goes on learning to recognise the devils attacks might prove to be a very valuable blessing

Day 2------ Unlike the first day today has been one of total peace and calm. I shared some housework
with my wife and all went smoothly, Next I visited the gym and enjoyed a kettle bell workout followed by a sauna. Lunchtime we went to a local pub restaurant for lunch.It was here that I believe I missed an opportunity .On the next table were two Christian men having a conversation about Sunday trading. I thought when I finished eating that I would introduce myself and see what might come of it. Unfortunately they were up and gone before I could take advantage. Going to have to keep my eyes and ears a little sharper, this might have been a blessing missed to expand the Gods kingdom.

Day 3------ I have found myself waiting as if expecting some massif blessing that would let me  work to expand the Lords kingdom in some way My wife had planned that we go shopping in Milton Keynes but changed her mind. This would normally be enough to test my patience Strangely I just said ok  and didn't react. My patience seemed untested and even reached a point of understanding
Later in the day we were walking along the high street in our local town and met a Christian friend who has been in my prayers recently. He has had a few issues to deal with recently and all seemed to be moving in the right direction. It just might be that blessing was coming through prayers answered
Not just prayers answered, my patience and understanding growing. Blessings quietly abound.

Day-----4 Arose early this morning to find time for prayer and some Bible reading. then it was off to the supermarket, beat the rush if your early. Followed the supermarket with a workout at the gym. This week our building and contents insurance arrived in the post for renewal at what seemed a very expensive £ 375. I felt compelled to go on a phone and internet search and I'm convinced that God delivered a financial blessing as we found better cover and paid only £152. Blessings come in many different ways it seems Lets see what tomorrow brings as i will continue praying Jebez prayer believing blessing and change are happening 

Days------5/6 I have decided to combine both diary days together as day 5 was just a quiet day. We did some domestic chores and similar things but the day was just unbelievably nondescript. The start of day six was sensationally revealing. Early in the morning, when all is quiet it is my custom to spend some time in prayer, talking to the Father. In this mornings prayer time I explaining why I was praying the Jebez prayer and the Father revealed to me the greatest blessing he has given me ------#LIFE What greater blessing could anyone have. Praise the Lord

Day7------- As has become my custom I awoke early this morning, ready for morning prayer time. This morning though I decided I would read the Lords word first and covered the first five chapters of Exodus. After which I returned to prayer, Besides praying the Jebez prayer I have tried explaining to our Father why I chose to to pray this special prayer. This morning I asked the Father if there was something I could He wanted to do for Him. The reply was swift --- LEAVE THE GYM.
The reason why I don't know. Today is a day I normally visit the gym, I haven't left yet though I am going to. This may well be a blessing but also a mystery.


This picture was taken last evening and I count this sunset a true blessing to see. Following yesterdays instruction to leave the gym today i have done just that. The reason why I am asked to do this is still a complete mystery. Still I have complied with the Fathers request and will just have to wait and see, Still further mystery came through this mornings prayer, As yesterday I rose early and read from the book of Exodus and prayed in between reading. When I finished praying I went into a period of quiet reflection or meditation and the Father told me to seek out somebody i worked with nearly twenty years ago. My contact details were totally out of date and I've contacted friends to track down some contact details. Tim is the person the Father said to seek out. Finally I have what I believe is an up to date email address and I have sent a mailing explaining why I was reaching out and I await the outcome.

Day-----9 My day today has been a very quiet one Early this morning I had a time of prayer and read several chapters of Luke. In my prayer time I included the Jebez prayer. It always possible that I have failed to recognise blessing.  A friend of mine trusted me with the key of his home so I could walk his dog while he spent the day on a hospital visit, He was very thankful for the help. Maybe helping somebody who needed the help was a kind of blessing. I have not heard from the person God asked me to seek out yet. If I don't have any contact after a few days I will have to pursue other roads, it is after all instruction from the Father.
Sin is something that gets in the way of Gods work so I must make sure I do not sin, so far as a human being can. There is also a need to pray with belief as sometimes it is easy to just say the words instead of pray the words. If we don't ask with expectation we aren't going to receive and blessings will go unused.
There is a fable about blessings. Suppose God had meant for you to receive twenty blessings today and you only had one. What could the reason be?
John dies and goes to heaven. Peter is waiting to greet him and give him a tour. John sees gulden streets and beautiful place to live. There are choirs of angels and John is in awe of all he saw. john also glimpsed a huge building without windows and just one door. john asks Peter what the building is for. Peter replied that John really didn't want to see inside. John grows curious and wonders if the secrets of heaven are inside. Heavenly tour over John asks again to see inside. Peter gives in and opens the door. The room is full of shelves with boxes on them and each box has a name on it. john can't be stopped he reaches his box and opens it. John lets out a huge sigh as he sees inside all the  so he didn't receive ,blessings God had wanted to give him when he was alive. John didn't ask, so missed out.
Ask and it will be given you (Matthew 7:7)
You do not have because you do not ask (James 4:2)
Ask and you will be blessed

Days-----10/11 It certainly seems to complete the next stage of blessing coming my way that I will have to complete the Fathers request to make contact with my former friend ans colleague I have not had a reply to my email so now I'll track down his address and write a letter Once I have his address if he does not respond then I will visit and ring his door bell At that stage if he does not want to know then I'll back away having completed the Fathers request
The first request from the Father was that I leave the gym and I puzzled as to why. For some reason since I left the gym my relationship with my wife has blossomed. That is #BLESSING INDEED.Thank you Father!!

Days------12/13 On day twelve I visited Cambridge and met a salvation army band leader i had previously met, I told him my Jabez prayer story of prying for thirty days and keeping this blog diary.
It reminded me of the three things God had told me directly through this prayer
1 Leave the gym. This I have done
2 God has blessed me with #LIFE
3 Seek a friend and colleague that I last had contact with twenty years ago
Firstly I e-mailed him and had no reply. Now I have traced his address and have written a letter. Now for the wait in anticipation.

Day 14------ Since praying the Jebez prayer I also seem to be blessed with catching sights like this photograph taken  earlier this evening showing a gibbous moon with star alongside it that we first noticed in Cyprus, Consequently we know it as the Cyprus star

Early this afternoon I shared tea and coffee in a local coffee shop with two friends. One has had a lot of issues in recent months and he has been in my prayers at times. Since praying the Jebez prayer many prayers are showing signs of being answered. This friend was a prime example. This morning he had been on fire prophesying for God at a meeting for Christians to fellowship together. He was still talking this afternoon all about how his life had recently changed when he let go all of his problems and hangups. The word prophesying in this case is not predicting the future but witnessing for the Lord with fire in his heart, Such a transformation can only  be a blessing from God. Certainly a blessing from the Father to see,

Days 15/16------- Day 15 passed by without much to refer to. I passed the day with some bible reading and prayer time, Midday I took my wife out for lunch and had a lazy afternoon crashed out in a chair, watched some tv and read a book Day 16  and I find myself in Cambridge and talking to the salvation army man I encountered last week He gave witness of my Jebez prayer mission and several people were moved by the witness. Three messages I received from the father were included in the witness, Then he told me about when God called him into full time service. He was about twenty years old and heard from the Father while walking down the road in Cambridge. He ignored the call and married and had two children By this time he had a successful career as well His wife was aware of Gods calling for her husband. One day she recognised how unhappy her husband was and said phone the captain. There followed two years of living in a tiny flat and two years of training Since that time he has never felt so #BLESSED

Days 17/18----- Today is Good Friday, the day Christ died on the cross to to defeat death and take away our sin. On the cross Jesus took the weight of the worlds sin and death was defeated once and for all. Praise the Lord for giving us life. After I started praying the Jebez prayer one of the three things Jesus told me directly that He had blessed me with #life I was blessed indeed to be told by Jesus that he gave me life. I praise the Lord for showing such love that is beyond measure. Pray the prayer with meaning and see how  blessing comes your way.

Days 19/20------ It has been several days since last hearing directly from our Father. Over the three weeks I have previously heard directly from the Father on three occasions Father asked me to leave the gym, This I did and I can begin to see what is a fast growing improvement in the relationship I have with my wife. We have started doing more things together and just seem to be doing more together, God told me He has given me life. what greater blessing could possibly be given, If that didn't quite register~~~~~~ #GOD HAS GIVEN ME #LIFE How amazing is that. I was also told by Father to seek out somebody I worked with twenty years ago. I traced his address and have written to him nearly a week ago, so time enough yet to hear back. Early this morning I heard from the Father again. This time He said 'give up drinking' I would not have considered myself to be a heavy drinker. I do enjoy drinking real ales and I enjoy port and red wine. However I have received instruction so while it seems a strange instruction it has come from the Father so I no longer drink alcohol. I am going with the flow on all of this and await to see how this journey in blessing progresses

Day12/22--------Over a week ago Father said I was to seek out a friend and colleague from about twenty years ago. Thinking about it 1997 was the last time we had contact. Well success I finally had a reply from my friend. He replied by e-mail and the letter was an attachment as he explained typing takes a long time these days . His health has been gradually deteriorating for years but recently he lost some of the movement in his arms almost overnight and he now needs a mobility scooter to get around his home town. Quite what Father has in mind I don't yet know but contact has been made. So Father asked three things of me, leave the gym, seek out a former colleague, and to stop drinking. Father gave me the direct blessing of #life. How the Fathers requests turn into blessings only time will reveal. One thing is for certain my patience and understanding have grown substantially during the time I have been praying the Jebez prayer and financial blessing came through finding cheaper home and contents insurance. Some might question whether this would have happened anyway-----but not to the tune of 70% cheaper. Spiritual blessing from the father is and has happened. If you are sceptical pray in true belief and faith and find out for your self

Days 23/24------ Things have been quiet on the blessings front, or appear to be be. Then the Father is always working at things and we don't always recognise them immediately. Though we did get to look after our granddaughter for a whole day, something we have desired for a long time. I heard from a friend in comments and she is going to pray the prayer of Jebez and keep a diary, hopefully she will keep me posted on progress. This last entry today is a request for prayer to cover a friend of mine who has prostate cancer. At this time he is on morphine for  the pain and will soon be in hospital for a procedure under general anaesthetic. We'll call him T please pray for healing

Days 25/26------ I have heard from my former colleague and friend twice now and we seem to be building a relationship. In praying the Jebez prayer it is not just about personal blessing but about being blessed to help the kingdom or the Fathers work. I strongly feel that this is what is going on in this instance. The last instruction I received from the Father was to stop drinking. I believe that in God's eyes you either succeed or fail. Sadly I've failed. I had two tins of beer left at home and drank them and had two brandies when out for some food with friends. I have confessed my failure to Father and asked if we can start again with that one. That I feel might hold back blessings though I will post progress as and when it happens

Days27/30----- Here we are then, at the end of the 30 day prayer challenge. The Jebez prayer in my prayer life is going to continue indefinitely because I firmly believe that blessings are going to continue, the Father will continue to ask me to do things. Lets take a last look at what has happened over the the last thirty days.
Father told me He has given me life
Father asked me to leave the gym
Father asked me to seek out a former colleague and friend
Father asked me to stop drinking
To have Father tell me He has given me life is a blessing beyond any words I can conjure up
To leave the gym seemed strange to start with, it has though coincided with my home life becoming more enriched day by day. Follow the Fathers instructions and blessings do come in different ways, though we might not recognise them instantly. When our house and contents insurance came up for renewal. this years price was £375 After phoning to get a quote elsewhere, the same cover was obtained for £150 That I believe was a financial blessing. Having found my former colleague and friend we seem to be developing a new friendship which may well prove to be a blessing to both of us. The request from Father I have had most problem with is giving up drinking. One day recently when out for a meal, my friend purchased for me a large brandy. I drank it and finished off two cans of beer I still had at home. I started over and prayed to Father about it. My prayers continued and fathers latest instruction came to me. Give cancer research £50. I haven't yet though I certainly will.I plan to continue this blog but the thirty day diary now finishes.

Tuesday 1 March 2016